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Description of a new species in the deep-water genus Acanthogorgia from the Gulf of California, San Francisquito Bay, Baja, Mexico, with full list of species present in waters from Mexico to South America (Projected Publication, Spring or Summer, 2020)​
Description of a new, deep-water Gorgonian Coral in the genus Leptogorgia from the waters of Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (with staff of Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary). (Projected Publication, Fall-Winter, 2020)
Full review of the genus Thesea as represented in the eastern Pacific (CA Bight): determination of species within the genus in Southern California waters. (In progress, Fall, 2019 to present; Potential Publication date, Fall, 2020)
- E.O. Wilson-
"The beginning of wisdom... is calling things by their right name."
Works in Progress
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